
This menu provides function to manage the components for the work packages and to check the information in the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) database.

Manage components

Select a component from the list of components and edit it.

New component

Add a new component to the database.

Manage articles

Select an article from the list of articles and edit it.

New article

Add a new article.

Manage PLM data

These functions provide an overview of the data related to the work packages that is stored in the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) database. The data is updated once per day. This feature allows work package managers to control the data stored in the PLM without direct access to this database.

Component IDs (CIDs) and Article IDs (AIDs) cannot be directly edited in PAW. Necessary corrections have to be entered into the PLM database.

Manage CIDs

Returns a list of Component IDs (CIDs) linked to the work packages of the system/subsystem. Specific CIDs can be selected for more detailed information.

Manage AIDs

Returns a list of Article IDs (AIDs) linked to the work packages of the system/subsystem. Specific CIDs can be selected to obtain more detailed information.


Returns a list of components that still have to be shipped to GSI/FAIR. Specific components can be selected for more specific information, for example shipping information (size, weight, planned date of shipping, etc.).

Check PLM data

Provides a cross-check by listing the components in the PLM database that are not linked in the PAW database.

If an item appears in this list it indicated that the information in PAW must be updated.

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